Artist statement

Elements of change

My vessels express ideas of mind and matter. Nature’s structures and rhythms provide the visual expression of the labyrinth of mental storage systems and layers of experience.

Life relies on information and stored knowledge. Experiences are packaged as parcels of information, divided into compartments and layered over time. Fragments of information are filed away in the recesses of the mind for future reference and action.
An idea may lie dormant, but pops into the mind at intervals, creating a train of thought. Random snippets of information may come together to give fresh meaning to old understanding, effecting change.

Cellular structures, so common in nature, contain, enclose, wrap and protect, whether they are animal, vegetable or mineral. They illustrate the idea of inside and outside surfaces relating to different parts of the filing cabinet – open drawers, closed drawers, filled or empty, organized in clusters.

The contemplative process of wrapping recycled cloth to form the compartments describes thinking, rewinding thoughts and information to create new ideas and paths forward, whilst the gathering of cloth condenses or expands ideas.

For further discussion regarding my statement, contact me on

Elements of Change

This is a detail from the boxed 'Storage' series.

Another Casket