Build - Extend - Shape

a design workshop for creating three dimensional structures
This experimental design workshop aims to explore three dimensional structures. The potential of repeated elements to create form will be considered, using primary sources as inspiration. Students will explore materials and their characteristics as they relate to developing form. They will design and create a simple structure and take away ideas for further work including interpretation into fabric and thread.


Please bring a design source – natural forms such as seed pods, flowers, plant forms, shells, stones would be a good choice.

Design –
notebook and pen
drawing pencils, ink and fine brush, pva glue
at least 3 A1 sheets of cartridge paper, card (cereal box)
tissue paper, other types of paper if wished
straws, barbeque sticks or lolly sticks, masking tape, stapler
string, strong thread, simple sewing kit, scissors
fine/medium weight wire and pliers

Click here for more pictures:

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